Saturday, August 30, 2008

Back to work...

I went back to work yesterday for the first time in 6 am i tired today!!
I got a casual position at the daycare centre. I was in the kinder room...and i really enjoyed it...they are a lively bunch of kids...lots of fun.
My Teacher Rocks
Im so grateful that i have a hoping for 2 days a week at the moment until josh goes to school and then i will want more full time work....who knows maybe one day we might be in a better financial position!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Being Thankful...

Today has been a really great day, with so much to be thankful for!!
  1. That mr.joshua has made a rapid recovery and is now back to eating and drinking with no fever!!
  2. That Chez and got the Father's Day Cards done...and had a great day together!!
  3. That Austrlian Idol is back on and I finally have a show on telly that Im actually interested in again!!

Famous 1

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Being Thankful...

Here we go again...
today im thankful for...
  1. the fact that (as much as i know loves playing football) the junior footy season is over!! that means no more freezing cold 7am saturday mornings!!...till next year anyway!! lol Tongue Out
  2. talking to my mum and nan and pop on the phone today...i love em!! Secret
  3. the cuddle from Chez...that was lovely!

I cant believe how cold it was at footy this morning!! The boys played in shorts in 3 degree weather!! That in itself is worth a medal a my book!!

Go Dragons!!!

Cheerleader Toss 1

Well done boys!! It was their Grand Final today and although they didnt win, they put up a mighty fight and most certainly deserved to be there!! I was very proud of all of them!! Second to the top of the ladder is a pretty awesome way to end the season if you ask me!!

I think its going to be little athletics for the next installment of kids sport for the matters family!!


Ohhh i really hope that doesnt involve early mornings...but i dont like my chances...oh well at least it wont be winter...come on i have to find a positive in this somewhere...dont I?

Friday, August 22, 2008

Being Thankful... im thankful for....
  1. that i was able to have a sleep needed that,
  2. that i didnt have to cook tonite...that was really nice,
  3. that Big W fially got the "glitter stack" back in and i had enough money on me to get it for mumspace,
  4. how cute my kids looked for their dress up day at school...
  5. that we live in an awesome country where we are free to worship our Lord without any fear,
  6. for the beautiful sunshine this afternoon...even though it was very was lovely,
  7. for my husband buying some new designing tools so he stops annoying me (lol)
  8. for the fact that we livein a day and age where i can get antibiotics for this stupid chest infection that just wont go away,
  9. for the fact that my husband works for an employer that gives him sick leave,
  10. for returning to full health...and that his mighty appetite is back,
  11. and just simply that its friday and i get to spend time with my beautiful little family...

Oh whoppsy daisy...hehe...thats more than 3...but everyone of them is worth makes me realise,once again, that I have so much in my life to be thankful for, I love my life and i wouldnt change anything in it right now!!

Thank you, Lord.

Heart Glasses

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Being Thankful...

Today I am thankful for...
  1. the rain!! my grass was very thirsty...though the towels on the line could have done without the second "rinse"!! lol
  2. going to the movies with my handsome husband and then out to lunch...just the two of its been a long time since we have 'us-time'!! Well overdue and much enjoyed!!Spaghetti Smooch
  3. that we sold another Hoodie today!! YAY!!

I had a really lovely day today..and for that I am truely ...thankful...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Being Thankful...

I was reading Melissa's Blogspot today and she was writing about how important it is to be thankful!!
So i decided it was a great idea of hers..and that i would join in..of writing 3 things everyday that I am thankful for...
Here goes...
Im Thankful for..
  1. that i had some time to myself to scrap today!!
  2. that i really like what i did on my LO today!! lol
  3. that my family all had a good major upsets!!

Well lets see if I actually keep this up....hmmmm...

Monday, August 18, 2008

This is the most recent photo of me and my 3 beautiful children!!
Jordan Christopher (aka..jords..jordsta..jordy) is the eldest..he is 8 years old,in grade 3,and an amazing Play Station-er!! Give him a game..any game..he will have it clocked in a week!! (ITS COSTING US A FORTUNE!!) LOL. Jordan is a compassionate young man who hates injustice with a passion!!Jordan loves do all my kids..he loves to socialise and his family are the most important thing to him..I am truely Blessed to have a son like Jordan!!
Jasmine Claire (aka..jaz..jazzy..bella) is my middle child, she is 6 years old, in prep, and she is an amazing singer!! Jasmine sings all day sure she even dreams about singing!! lol. Jasmine is a very strong personality..she knows what she wants!!! Jasmine has a beautiful,kind,caring nature...she loves her friends and family. I am truely Blessed to have a daughter like Jasmine...she is my delicate flower..and it is my joy to watch her bloom!!
Joshua Caleb ( is my youngest..and my last!! He has just turned 15 months old. He is just the cutest little man ever!! I love to watch him make new discoveries everyday..everything is new to him..and he doesnt waste a second of life!! He is the busiest little person I have ever come across and now that he has just started walking, im sure my life is about to change in some big ways!!! lol. Joshua is a very determined child who lets nothing stand in his way...and i mean that litterally!!! lol. I am trauly Blessed to have such an amazing little bubba like Joshua!!


I finally figured it out...with only slightly doing my head in!!!
Sharni and Nicole...I hope you're proud of me...

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Yay!! I have a blogspot!!

Hey there everyone!!
Just thought I would join my friends in the blogspot sensation!! LOL.
Not sure what im going to do on here yet..but we will see where this takes me!!
Hope you will join me on my journey.... :)