Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Capturing the moment.........

Awwww....how cute is this photo.......I love my little Mr. Squashy!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Well that was an ordeal...

Last Wednesday night we had take away for dinner...about an hour later my 6 and a half year old daughter started having bad tummy pains...2 hours later they were getting worse so we gave her some panadol and popped her into bed. She didn't sleep much over night because of the pain which was getting worse. At 5am she came into my room saying it was really really bad and crying...then she vomited!!! The pain only got worse after that. So we got dressed and went straight to the emergency department. The Doctor checked her out and said that while it was probably just something she ate... She was a little concerned that it may be appendicitis. So we were sent home on the previser that if the pain got worse or moved to the right of her abdomen then we had to go back to the hospital.
Jasmine slept almost all day on Thursday...waking periodically with pain and there was no more vomiting. Thursday night was the same.
Friday my Mum came to look after the kids while my hubby and I both worked. Jas had started to eat again saying that the pain wasn't as bad...she had Vegemite toast and red icy poles.
I got home from work at around 4:30 pm and as I walked in the door I heard Jas crying in pain again...she was doubled over and not looking good. I rangmy Doctor straight away and He said to bring her in and He would see her immediately.
When we got there He assessed her and was of the mind set that it was just something that would pass and that she should be fine to go home and rest with panadol and fluids, but just to make sure He wanted a urine specimen. So Jas and went off to the loos to get that...she couldn't give me one so we went back to the Doc's room...as we sat down to wait for him to come back Jas said "oh oh...mum...I think I'm got to throw up!". I grabbed the nearest thing...zip lock bags for pathology and my Mum and I took turns catching it!!
It was so red...I started to freak out a little...but Mum assured me that it was probably just the red icy pole that she had eaten 6 hours prior.
When the Doctor came back He tested the vomit and it came up positive for blood.
I did the freak out quietly thing again!
He said He wanted us to go straight back into emergency...so off we went.
There they did blood test which all came back clear, so the conclusion ..at 1 am...was that she had a tear in her oesophagus from vomiting so hard! This explained the pain and the blood. She was to be on fluids for a few days with no solid food, nothing spicy, nothing to salty and no sugar as all of these would irritate the tear and cause her problems again.
Jas didn't wake up till 1:30 pm on sat after her night in emergency!!
The pain was still there and she wasn't feeling up to drinking much.
Sunday was much the same.
Then at bed time on Sunday night Jasmine got a fever...it was high.
We popped her in to bed with another dose of panadol and she slept fairly well.
She woke up Monday morning with a raging temp and a sore head...I knew what was going on we have been here many times before...She had a UTI! These particularly dangerous for Jas as she has a duplex system on her right kidney...we joke the God just chucked in some extra parts while He was putting her together!! LOL.
So I went to work and my Husband was home to look after her. In my lunch break we went to the Doctors together. He confirmed my suspicion and put her on strong antibiotics with a double whammy dose to start her off.
He sent my hubby home with the instructions of making her drink because she was really dehydrated and was on the border line of having IV fluids. She didn't even have the energy to stand up.
When Jerome got her home he gave her some panadol and half a bottle of Gatorade...then she slept for 4 hours.
When I got home we rang the Doctor and told him that she had drunk a little bit and He told us that the specimen she gave him showed the infection and he wanted to see her again to reassess the dehydration.
So off we went again!!!
He was happier with her this time saying she had perked up a little. He spoke to Jasmine and said to her that she must keep drinking or she wasn't going to feel any better. We were then sent home and ordered to stock the fridge with Gatorade!!
Jas is doing really well now..kids bounce back so quickly!! She started eating solid foods yesterday.

So it has been an interesting week to say the least....now I'm exhausted!!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Three in a row......

My husband and have 3 children. When our first child was born things where very cruisy!!! He was the easiest baby to ever grace the earth!! lol hence the reason we had more...lol. No really Jordan was a really good baby...we didn't have many struggles with him at all!!
Our second baby, Jasmine, was another story!! She wasn't a good sleeper and used to keep us awake most nights!! When Jasmine was born my husband started working at the hospital on the early shift...starting at 6am. That was hard for him...starting so early and not getting much sleep. We worked around it and got through it...but it was tough!!
So this time around when we had our third baby, Joshua, we decided it would be beneficial for us to sleep in separate rooms just while Josh was young and not sleeping through yet. Josh is 19 and a half months and is now sleeping in a little toddler bed in out room and only waking 2-3 times a night. I know that may sound like a lot to you but for Josh that is amazing progress...he is a shocking sleeper!!!!
On New Years Eve this year we went for dinner and drinks at our very good friends house...we had a ball...its so nice to bring in the New Year with close friends...anyway Jerome and I both had too much to drink to be able to drive home so we crashed at our friends house...the catch was that we had to sleep in the same room!!!
Oh I cant tell you how nice it was to wake up on the first day of 2009 next to my husband!!!
And today the 3rd of January 2009 marks the 3rd day in a row that we have woken up next to each other!!!
I think its time to pack the spare bed away!!! lol