Friday, January 2, 2009

Three in a row......

My husband and have 3 children. When our first child was born things where very cruisy!!! He was the easiest baby to ever grace the earth!! lol hence the reason we had No really Jordan was a really good baby...we didn't have many struggles with him at all!!
Our second baby, Jasmine, was another story!! She wasn't a good sleeper and used to keep us awake most nights!! When Jasmine was born my husband started working at the hospital on the early shift...starting at 6am. That was hard for him...starting so early and not getting much sleep. We worked around it and got through it...but it was tough!!
So this time around when we had our third baby, Joshua, we decided it would be beneficial for us to sleep in separate rooms just while Josh was young and not sleeping through yet. Josh is 19 and a half months and is now sleeping in a little toddler bed in out room and only waking 2-3 times a night. I know that may sound like a lot to you but for Josh that is amazing progress...he is a shocking sleeper!!!!
On New Years Eve this year we went for dinner and drinks at our very good friends house...we had a ball...its so nice to bring in the New Year with close friends...anyway Jerome and I both had too much to drink to be able to drive home so we crashed at our friends house...the catch was that we had to sleep in the same room!!!
Oh I cant tell you how nice it was to wake up on the first day of 2009 next to my husband!!!
And today the 3rd of January 2009 marks the 3rd day in a row that we have woken up next to each other!!!
I think its time to pack the spare bed away!!! lol

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