Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Another one gone....

It seems a little unbelievable that another year has past.

2008 was a full-on year for me, my husband and I celebrated our 10th anniversary, my second child started school, my third child started daycare, i went back to work after 6 years at home with my beautiful kids, we welcomed two new members to the family...'Bella' and 'Ben' the cats...(who then decided to become 7....ARGHHHHH....so after finding homes for all but one of the kittens....we have now added 'Bindi' to the family as well!!) my eyes were opened to amazing things like facebook (hehehe) which has been awesome catching up with so many long lost!!! oh and blogging lol. All in all its been a very eventful year.

This year has had its share of heartache as well....with my Pop having a massive heart attack and needing emergency triple by pass surgery to keep him with us. This threw me big time! My Pop and Nan had a huge hand in raising me throughout my childhood....my Pop is the Father Figure in my life. He is an amazing man of integrity and a bug heart. I love my Grandparents so dearly....I cant bear to think of the day I have to say good bye.

So what are my plans for 2009......



there are so many things I want to achieve both within myself and for the life of my family.

I want to develop stronger friendships with my husband and my children.
I want to draw nearer to God in a deeper way...I want to understand His Will for my life and His Love for me.
I want to learn to like myself....I want to be free of the baggage that ties me down emotionally and spiritually.
I want to be healthier and fitter.
I want to trust more so that I can love more freely.
I want to excel.
I want to work hard and work well.
I want to be organised and not so stressed all the time.
I want to hire a house cleaner!!!

I want to be a support to the ones that are closest to me in my life...I want the people that are most important to me to feel cared for, loved, appreciated.

I think this list could go on forever...there are so many things that i want to improve about myself and my situation....but at the same time I am the happiest I can ever remember being....RIGHT NOW!

I have the most amazing family and friends....

I pray that you all have a safe and rewarding 2009...that the bumps and curves of life and love wont bounce you off you tracks.....love to you all....xxxx

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